PC IDA Meeting Minutes April 9, 2018

Minutes – Board Meeting and Committee Meetings

April 9, 2018, 6 P.M.

3rd Floor Executive Conference Room,

40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, NY


The Chair called the meeting order.

The Notice of Meeting was sent to County Media.


Present by Roll Call: William Nulk, Chair; Steve Baranowski, Vice Chair; Sarina Hawes; Bill Carlin, CFO; Teri Waivada, PC IDA Consultant

Excused absence: Joe Downey, Michael Karlsson

Guests: Michael Liguori, Hogan & Rossi, Esq. Jamie Spillane, Hogan & Rossi, Esq. representing the Town of Patterson. Dan Petigrow. Esq. representing Brewster School District


Motion to amend agenda to allow Mike Liguori to report on Ace Endico, Fryer Machines and Fox Ridge Hotel was made by the Chair and Seconded by Steve Baranowski; approved unanimously.

Mr. Liquori discussed the following:

  •  Ace Endico Expansion Project: An oversight regarding the responsibility for storm water maintenance of the parking areas rectified and the necessary documents have been submitted to the Town.
  • Fryer Machine: The project’s PILOT ended. Documents to close the project and remove the Agency as fee owner have been reviewed by the Agency’s Compliance Consultant and found in order.


Following The Board agreed that the Chairman can proceed with the closing transaction. No resolution was required as the project closing was authorized in the Project Agreement.

Fox Ridge Hotel: The Project has failed. Mr. Liquori advised that a developer-operator, with hotel management experience, has proposed acquiring the Project. He further stated that the new developer cannot undertake the project unless the Agency approves IDA benefits. Mr. Liquori detailed the current project’s debt and the financial transactions for the sale of the property. The Board was generally in favor of the idea pending review of the application and acknowledgement from each of the taxing entities of their approval for a PILOT. The developer-operator plans to submit an application for agency review.

Brewster Plastics: The Board invited Mr. Petigrow and Ms Spillane. Mr. Petigrow addressed the failure of the Brewster Plastics to pay its annual PILOT payments and property taxes to the Town of Patterson, School District and County for the past 3 years. The Town of Patterson, the Brewster School District and Putnam County want to bring this problem to a close. They asked that the Agency intervene. The Chair noted that letters to President of the Company requesting meetings have gone unanswered. It should be noted that the Company’s financial problems began when a fast food corporation cancelled its contract for plastic trays.

Resolution No. 2018-04-09-1: The Board authorized the Chairman to move forward to engage a general attorney to provide guidance in legal actions against Brewster Plastics. (Resolution attached)

The Chair reported:

a. That the relocation of the Agency’s office to the Lawlor Building is still pending.

b. The Agency has requested two web and computer skilled summer interns to update the Web site and prepare Agency files for archiving.


The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM

Next meeting tentatively scheduled for Monday, May 21, 2018, at 6:00 PM. Location is yet to be determined.

Attested to by Secretary: _______________________ Date: _______________________



At a meeting of Putnam County Industrial Development Agency the Board discussed the failure of the Brewster Plastics Lease Project to make annual PILOT payments to taxing entities, it was agreed to authorize the Chairman of the Agency to:

  • Review the current status of PILOT payment made to date with the taxing entities,
  •  Assess legal actions to facilitate PILOT payments,
  •   Engage Legal Counsel to review the PILOT agreement, and then
  •  Advise taxing entities of Default of Notice of Default of the PILOT and action to place a lien on the property for unpaid PILOT payments due the taxing entities including interest and all legal fees.

The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote, which resulted as follows:

yes     no    abstain     absent

S,. Baranowski      x

J. Downey                                                        x

W. Nulk                  x

M. Karlsson                                                     x

S. T. Hawes           x


The resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes – Board Meeting and Committee Meetings March 12, 2018 Audit Committee Meeting

Putnam County Industrial Development Agency
Putnam County Office Building
40 Gleneida Avenue, 2nd Floor
Carmel, NY 10512
845 808-1031 www.putnamida.com

Minutes – Board Meeting and Committee Meetings
March 12, 2018


Roll Call: Steve Baranowski – Chair, Joe Downey, Bill Nulk, Michael Karlsson

A motion was made Seconded and unanimously Approved to include each member of the Full PC IDA Board as members of both the Audit and Governance Committees.

Reviewed/Approved 2017 PC IDA Financial Statements and Supplementary Information (O’Connor Davies Audit Report).

The Auditors returned a Clean Audit and a good management report.

Adjourn Audit Committee Meeting


Governance Committee Meeting- 6:15

Roll Call: Joe Downey – Chair; Steve Baranowski, Bill Nulk; Michael Karlsson

Reviewed/re-adopted Bylaws, UTEP and Policies

Adjourn Governance Committee Meeting


Open Board Meeting – (immediately after the Audit and
Governance Committee Meetings)


Roll Call: Bill Nulk – Chair; Steve Baranowski – Vice Chair; Joe Downey – Secretary; Michael
Karlsson – new Board Member; Bill Carlin – CFO; Teri Waivada – Consultant

Approved the Minutes of the January 23, 2018, Meeting:

Welcomes new Members to the Board: Sarina Hawes and Michael Karlsson

  • Michael Karlsson was in attendance. Sarina Hawes had acknowledged the meeting but was
    away on business and will be at the next meeting.

All Members must be sworn in by the Putnam County Clerk within 30 days of appointment.
Terms indicated in Legislative resolutions of March 6, 2018


Pg 2: Minutes: Board Meeting – March 12, 2018

Discussed pending actions for default of Brewster Plastics and possible sale of Fox Ridge Hotel project.
– Teri will look into a possible general counsel.

Treasurer’s (Bill Carlin/Bill Nulk) Report:
– Reviewed and discussed Current reconciliations.
– Approve resolution accepting 2017 Audit Report and its posting to PARIS.
– Approved Resolutions to adopt the 2017 Audit and Compliance with all Paris

Chairman’s (Bill Nulk) Report:
– Election of Officers of the Board and other appointments was tabled to the next meeting.
– Ethics compliance for County (Personnel Department) is required for all Board Members.
– Mechanical Plastics – meeting with County Exec & County Attorney 3/20/2018

Fox Ridge Hotel –
We will review Butterfield’s closing obligations regarding Mortgage Tax abatement.
We discussed and agreed to solicit for and interview new nominees to complete a 7 Member
Board. Steve will try to contact Ed Cooke and we will seek a nominee from Putnam Valley.
NYS EDC Meeting in Albany 1/31/2018

– Relocation of office area
– Summer Interns
– Firematic project
– Ace Endico parking area

Next Meeting: Monday, April 9, 2018, at 6 PM; site to be determined.
Adjourned: 7:30 PM



Resolution No. 2018-03-12-1

Be it resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Putnam County Industrial Development Agency, in compliance with transparency requirements of the New York State Authorities Budget Office, does hereby reaffirm, upon review and recommendation of the Governance and Audit-Finance Committees, and re-adopt for 2018 the following:

• Agency By-laws
• Uniform Tax Exemption Policy
• 2018 Mission Statement
• 2017 Performance and Operations Report
• Board of Directors’ Duties and Responsibilities
• Code of Ethics
• Conflict of Interest
• Internal Control Policy
• Investment Policy
• Policies Governing the Use of Authority Discretionary Funds
• Procurement Policy
• Property Disposition Policy
• Recapture Policy
• Uniform Tax Exempt Policy
• Whistleblower Protection Policy


The Board further resolves that the Agency will comply with laws and amendments enacted by the State Legislature guiding practices in its operations.

The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote, which resulted as follows:
yes no abstain absent
W Nulk
S Baranowski 
J Downey 
M Karlsson 
S Hawes 

The resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Putnam IDA Minutes – Board Meeting – January 23, 2018

Minutes – Board Meeting – January 23, 2018
Open Meeting – 6:00 PM, Exec. Conference Room, 40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York
Roll Call: Steve Baranowski, Joe Downey, Bill Carlin and Bill Nulk – entire Board.
No other people were present at the start of the meeting.
Treasurer’s (Bill Carlin/Bill Nulk) Report:
The 12/29/2017 reconciliation of the PCSB checking account was presented and showed a year
end balance of $74,277.43 (which included the yet-to-be-cleared payment to Teri Waivada for her
services in 2017). No additional transactions have occurred since that reconciliation was completed on
1/14/2018. A complete list of the 2017 checking account transactions was also reviewed.
Chairman’s (Bill Nulk) Report:
Report on 2017 Audit: Bill N. had a meeting with Marc Callinan, our auditor from O’Connor
Davies, that morning, 1/23/2018, and things appear to be moving quite well. Most of the Compliance
Letters have been sent to the project principals and the others were created that day. Back-up
information and clarifications were provided. Marc expected a routine process in comparison to the
arduous work of the past 2 years reports.
The Jaral Project is determined as a closed project with no activity since 2009.
Ethics compliance for County: Financial Disclosure for P.C. Ethics Compliance would be
completed and submitted to the P.C. Personnel Department. Also, ABO Confidential Evaluation of Board
will be completed and sent to Teri, who will complete the Summary and send it to the ABO.
Meeting in Albany next week: Bill Nulk and Joe Downey will be attending the NYS EDC
Conference in Albany on Wednesday, Jan. 30th. Teri will also be going. We are part of the PC EDC
contingent and will reimburse the PC EDC for the expense of $200 per person. We will try to coordinate
carpooling if possible.
Summer Interns: We will arrange for 2 interns from the Personnel Department for this coming
summer. Tom and Emma did a wonderful job last year and we will have much for the people we get this
year – assuming we have an “office” for them to work in. The move to the Lawlor Building is still a workin-progress.

Firematic project: We have had an inquiry from Firematic Co. for benefits. They currently have
a small shop in Carmel and are in the process of acquiring a larger building and expanding their business.
We’ll get more information as things progress.
Page 2: Minutes – Board Meeting – January 23, 2018
Interviews: Serina Hawes and Michael Karlsson:
At this point (approx. 6:30 PM), we individually interviewed two applicants for positions on the
PC IDA Board. Their resumés had been submitted a while ago and Steve has scheduled them for this
meeting. Both Ms. Hawes and Mr. Karlsson met with us for about ½ hour each.
We discussed the interviews after the applicants left and all agreed that they would be very good
*A motion was made to forward Serina Hawes’ and Michael Karlsson’s names and information to the
P.C. Legislature and the Personnel Department for vetting and approval/appointment to the PC IDA
Board at the March 6, 2018, Full Legislature Meeting.
Motion made by Joe Downey and seconded by Steve Baranowski; approved unanimously.
If those appointments are made, Bill Carlin will resign as a Board Member but remain as the PC IDA Chief
Financial Officer.
There being no further business to consider, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Minutes Submitted by: Bill Nulk – 1/28/2018
By email to: S. Baranowski, J. Downey, W. Carlin; cc: T. Waivada
Approved: ___________________________ , Secretary Date: ________